Jared Loughner Took Pictures of Himself In a G-String With His Gun

According to the New York Times, investigators have obtained photographs, apparently taken by Tucson gunman Jared Loughner, of Loughner holding a gun against his "naked buttocks" and crotch.
He apparently sent them to Walgreen's to get developed, and Walgreen's handed them over to the police. Here's the Times' description:
Law enforcement officials said Friday they have multiple photos of Jared L. Loughner posing with a Glock 9mm pistol next to his naked buttocks and dressed in a bright red g-string. It is the same model of weapon as the one the police say Mr. Loughner used last Saturday to kill six people, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl, and to wound 14 others, including an Arizona congresswoman. The photos were turned over to the police by Walgreens, where Mr. Loughner had taken them to be developed. In some of the photos he is holding the gun near his crotch, and in others, presumably shot in a mirror, he is holding the gun next to his buttocks, the police said. It was not yet clear when the photos were taken or whether Mr. Loughner had ordered prints.
Here's hoping these photos never get released. (Although if they do, rest assured we'll publish them.)
[Loughner booking photo via AP]