The Best Videos Ever of The Week

Want to catch up on the week's most popular web videos? From a girl who falls into a mall fountain while texting to the man who quit his job to start a city for cats, our top picks inside.
1. Girl Falls Into Mall Fountain While Texting
The scariest part about this security camera video is the proof that security guards are not only watching the stupid things you do, but they're sharing it on the internet with multiple angles.
2. A Perfect Portrait of New York City In Three Minutes
Many of my friends in Europe ask me how it feels to live in New York every day. I spit empty words like "electric" and "romantic" and "cinematic" and "amazing" but, next time someone asks, I will send this video.
3. Loose Rat in New York City Subway Car Crawls on Man's Face
This video will make you think twice about dozing off on the subway.
4. Naked Man Attempts to Streak a Tennis Court and Fails Miserably
If you're planning on streaking a tennis match make sure the court isn't surrounded by glass first.
5. Watch This Massive Australian Flood Clear an Entire Parking Lot
Queensland, Australia is in the midst of a massive flooding disaster that's already claimed (at least) eight lives. Now, we've got some amazing amateur video of the flooding that shows-in horrifying glory-its full, powerful, car-moving devastation.
6. How Not to Remove Snow From a Roof
Here's a video that features a man attempting to remove some ice/snow from his roof with a shovel by beating it-until it beats him back, that is.
7. Crowd Pitches In On National Anthem After Girl's Mic Fails
During her first time singing "The Star-Spangled Banner" at a hockey game, 8-year-old Elizabeth Hughes' microphone cut out after "gave proof." The crowd quickly joined in, making it one of the most heartwarming national anthem performances you'll see.
8. Pee-Wee Herman and Andy Samberg Get Forced into an Intervention on SNL
After an all night tequila bender Andy and Pee-wee are confronted by their celebrity friends to get help for their abuse of alcohol. However things don't exactly turned out as planned.
9. The Best Synchronized Face Plant You'll See Today
On your mark, get set... face plant!
10. Move Over Snuggie - "Forever Lazy" Is The Latest In Wearable Blankets
We've never experienced the blanket difficulties shown in this commercial, but obviously Forever Lazy is superior to the Snuggie in every way imaginable. We've always secretly longed for an adult-sized onesie, plus it includes a flap for "when duty calls."
11. Six Cylinder 1965 Ford Mustang Runs a Nine Second ¼ Mile
They do things differently "down under". That's why this 1965 Ford Mustang from Australia is powered by a heavily modified four liter turbocharged straight six engine from a Ford Falcon. Watch this odd pony run a 9.96 ¼ mile.
12. Like an Exploding Fairy: A Camera Flash Bursting in Super Slow Motion
I deeply suspect this is probably the most spectacular thing you'll see today: A camera flash firing, captured at 1052 frames per second. Boom, quite literally.
13. Watch 100 Pounds of Dynamite Instantly Turn This House into Splinters
Just how far away do you need to set a video camera from a small wooden house loaded dynamite? Apparently farther than this.
14. BMW Burns Like Atlanta Because Of A Little Snow
An Atlanta TV crew setup for a live shot on winter weather caught a BMW 5-Series slipping, spinning and suddenly catching on fire. This is not how you want to dispose of the ultimate driving machine.
15. Bet You Can't Pick up a Quarter with This Forklift
Another day at the ol' warehouse, another day of wacky industrial hijinks. These dudes engaged in a bet to see if their colleague could scoop a quarter off the ground with his (surprisingly nimble) forklift. Most impressive.
16. This Little Girl Is Not a Fan of Grapefruit Juice
This video is cute-well, it's cute in a "Did that little girl just get possessed by Satan?" way. Anyway! This is Penny. Because Penny's parents are horrible, they decided to feed her grapefruit juice and film the results.
17. If an Advertising Agency Took Over a Child's Birthday Celebration
With a healthy mix of "consistant design systems" and "key influencers" your child's birthday could be a viral marketing success.
18. The Hilarious Agony of Watching a Computer Illiterate
There's not much worse than sitting on the sidelines, watching someone stumble through basic computer interactions. And what was a hilarious Reddit comic explaining that bone-gnawing frustration has become an even funnier animation by Guy Collins.
19. Penguins Fan Faceplants Onto A Van
It's early, but I think this Winter Classic tailgating video will satisfy our "drunken hockey fans injuring themselves" quota for the day.
20. This Amazing Full Feature Film Was Made with Footage Entirely from Grand Theft Auto IV
French filmmaker Mathieu Weschler spent two years making The Trashmaster. And that's not the crazy thing. What's insane is that the film's footage (an epic 88-minutes of sex, drugs and violence) is made entirely from scenes in Grand Theft Auto IV.
21. This Video Game World Record Will Blow You Away
Yesterday Guinness awarded Jesse Moerkerk of Dutch gaming magazine N-Gamer a world record certificate for playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 for 18.52 minutes. Oh, and he did it while free-falling.
22. Ancient Workout Video Is Hilariously Horrifying
Back in the day, when a girl wanted to tone up, she hit the machines - but instead of ergonomic, low-impact ellipticals, there were grinding gears, pinching coils and bizarre bands.
23. If All Movies Had the Internet
What would happen if the characters in some of your favorite movies had access to the internet? Star Wars, The Ring, and more would only be about ten seconds long. And they'd all be much funnier.
24. Clinton Takes a Spill
Whoops! Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who's in Yemen for diplomatic talks, fell while getting into a plane today. She's fine, so don't worry! She was probably just drunk. Or maybe she's a klutz like the rest of us.
25. How To Ski Jump A Nissan
We wonder how many takes they had to do in order to get the skier to jump the Nissan 370Z pulling him.
26. How to Control Your Teen's Facebook Activity
The young man seen here was apparently caught bragging about gang-banging activities, on Facebook. His uncle decided to whup his ass with a belt, live on video. Here is what strong social media boundary-setting looks like. Parents, take note.
27. What If Princess Peach And Zelda Just Like Being Kidnapped?
How do two strong-willed, independent women like Peach and Zelda wind up abducted all the time? College Humor presents the only answer that makes sense.
28. Oprah Says Depression Made Her Eat "30 Pounds" Of Mac & Cheese
In this preview of Piers Morgan's new CNN show, Oprah says she struggled with depression due to Beloved's weak box office performance, and wound up binging on macaroni and cheese. His follow up: "How much macaroni did you eat?"
29. The Horrible Life of a Disney Employee
Every so often there are those exposes about the torture of working in a Disney theme park. Here's one by YouTube's Swoozie06that's a little bit lighter and done with the help of some humorous stick figure animation.
30. The Secret, Terrifying Lives of Those Amazing Cosplayers
Ever wonder what those amazing cosplayers you see at video game and anime shows get up to when the crowds of photographers aren't around?
31. Jon Stewart Celebrates the Arrival of the Verizon iPhone
Tonight, Jon Stewart opened The Daily Show with a segment about today's Verizon iPhone announcement. He's excited about having Apple's golden product on a different network! Why? Well, because he may actually be able to make calls now.
32. Man Freaks Out Fellow Shoppers by Narrating Their Actions on the Phone
Watch this guy startle several Target customers as he describes every mundane move they make over the phone. A hilarious prank? Or really boring espionage in the cat food aisle?
33. Minecraft's New Musical "Note Blocks" Are Already A Triumph
Note blocks, which play a tone in one of two octaves, were added to Minecraft with the PC hit's update yesterday. Already someone's figured out how to make them play the introduction to the Portal theme "Still Alive."
34. Russian Talk Show Turns Into All Out Brawl
Like seeing a grown man dressed in a wedding gown? Like seeing a grown man dressed in a wedding gown as he receives a high kick to the chest? Russian talk shows are right up your ally!
35. What If Pokémon Featured Real Animals And Tons Of Profanity
The world of Pokémon is bright, colorful, and filled with joy and wonder, but what if we replaced those colorful pocket monsters with real animals, and the kind-spirited characters with foul-mouthed Brits? I think it would go something like this.
36. Pack of Monkeys Attack Tourist for Food
For some people, it's a dream to be surrounded by little monkeys. For others, a nightmare. Watch what happens when this man feeds a pack of monkeys. Too many monkeys? Perhaps. A good time? Definitely.
37. Germany's Downfall Will Be Facilitated by This Roundabout
Here's a video that someone took over the course of an hour of a roundabout in Erfurt, Germany. After recording the massive, embarrassing confusion that occurred during the hour, our videographer edited it down to the best (worst) two-and-a-half minutes.
38. Here's How Amish People Ski
Take one horse and buggy, one rope, one pair of skis, and one incredibly eager Amish person, and what do you have? Amish skiing, y'all. Inside, see the most fun this guy's had, well, probably ever. Who needs electricity, anyway!
39. The Simpsons: The Latest Disturbing Porn Parody
Simpsons: The XXX Parody is a hardcore, live-action-in which its stars "cum to life"-imagining of Springfield orgies featuring yellow-skinned actors. We have nothing against porn, but sexualizing a cartoon we've been watching since childhood makes us uncomfortable.
40. Turkeys Have a Blast Chasing a Laser Pointer
Three turkey friends embark on a thrilling adventure, filled with love, danger and of course lesson's learned. Just kidding, they chase a laser pointer around and have no idea what's going on.
41. Bill Nye the Science Guy Warned People About the Zodiac Shift 6 Years Ago
To no one's surprise, Bill Nye the Science Guy again proves himself to be the greatest scientific mind of our time. Watch as he explains the zodiac shift...6 years before the rest of the world got wind of it.
42. Snow Plow Has Parking Lot Mishap
This poor snow plow. It can't stop falling into trouble.
43. Is This the Worst Guitar Solo Ever?
It's natural that band members won't always agree on everything. Case in point: this painfully hilarious video of a horrible band performing a horrible song, followed by an extra-horrible guitar solo, followed by an angry smack to the face. Ouch!
44. Watch the Jackass Guys Spoof Inception
In this promo for VH1's Critic's Choice Awards, Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Bam, and the rest of the "Jackass" crew take on everyone's favorite mindbending, hallway-shifting summer blockbuster. Not surprisingly, Steve-O's dreamscape involves golf carts, porn stars, and porta-potties.
45. How to Make Popcorn Using a Laser
Honey, I blew up the popcorn! Watch as this mysterious, faceless man uses a laser to pop exactly one kernel of corn sitting atop a chocolate chip cookie. This is surely the pinnacle of modern technology.
46. Meet the Man Who Quit His Job to Start a City for Cats
After his son went off to college Craig Grant agreed to watch his cat while he was away, he now takes care of hundreds of them at his Caboodle Ranch.
47. The Coolest Fake Snowboarding Trick Ever
This is quite possibly the best snowboarding trick ever pulled off. It has to be seen to be believed.
48. Tongue-Twisting Dr. Seuss Book Read at Ridiculous Speed
Most of us flub books like Fox in Socks when we have to read them at a normal pace. This gifted girl can probably make it through War and Peace in under an hour.
49. Is This The Most Dick Move Imaginable In Sports?
There's nothing lower in pro spots than going for the groin. Alex Burrows went five-hole on Marc Staal last night, and, yes, the guy with the crushed testes got called for the penalty.
50. A New Way To Get Toto's 'Africa' Stuck In Your Head
When was the last time you heard an a capella send up of shooter Battlefield: Bad Company 2? Never? Me too!
51. The Great Qwest Field Beer Scandal Of 2011
Here's a video purporting to show that a "large" beer at Qwest Field is exactly the same amount as a "small," despite the $1.25 price difference. Drink up tomorrow, Seahawks fans.
52. The History of Video Games in Four Minutes
From Tennis for Two on an Oscilloscope from 1958, to Rock Band, here is over fifty years of gaming in four minutes.