Everyone's Depressed for Unique, Depressing Reasons

Depressed college kids! Depressed video game kids! Depressed adults! Depressed B12! Depressed tooth decay! Depressed ginger! Depressed surgeons! Depressed ladies! It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—quite happily, thank you!
- Lots more college kids these days are mentally ill and depressed than back in the day. I guess because of this?
- Not only that, but excessive video games are linked to depression and anxiety in kids. Well there's your explanation for everything in the whole world, right there.
- Oh and if you're an adult with depression and anxiety, it's probably because you didn't go to bed when your mom told you to go to bed when you were a kid. Are scientists in the pocket of Big Parenting, or what?
- Depressed? Probably because your B12 is low.
- Depressed? Probably because your teeth are falling out because you drink too much bottled water and it's all your fault.
- Depressed? Try eating some ginger and shit, that might work.
- You know who's really depressed these days? Surgeons. Lonely, lonely surgeons.
- Depressed about your PMS? Doctors ask: Are Vitamin E and Fatty Acids the Answer? Probably not. Depressing.