The gang is back for a brand-new semester at school. The new developments? Annie's sweet on a good guy and wants him in the group. Shirley's ex-husband is back in the picture but she might be pregnant with Chang's baby!

Also of note—Sr. Chang has started to use his last name as a verb. He wants into the study group—as he's been waiting for some time—but over break, Annie met a new guy named Richie that she wants in the group. Eventually, it comes down to a vote—leaving Shirley to decide. She goes for Chang, which pisses off Pierce (he and Troy loved Richie's Kettle Corn) so he blurts out Nancy's secret.

[There was a video here]

In the clip below, Jeff asks Malcom Jamal Warner where he got his sweater from—perfect.

[There was a video here]

Abed stops by and tells Jeff that Annie was rejected by Richie, leaving him to run in the rain to where we think will be Annie's place, but instead he shows up at Richie's place. Jeff Winger wants to be good? Do you think it's for Annie? Shirley might really be carrying Chang's baby? And her boyfriend's okay with it? And finally, Chang's chang-ing words to use his name in them? What does everyone think of these new developments?