Today at Gawker.TV, NBC's Perfect Couples turns out to be not-so-perfect, Ryan Gosling serenades with a ukulele, the triumphant return of Parks and Recreation, and we discover that Good Day New York's Greg Kelly is a closeted RuPaul fan.

Perfect Couples: Not So Perfect After All
In the midst of NBC's Thursday comedy lineup exists a brand new comedy about three different couples and how they deal with friendships and romantic relationships. Unfortunately, both the show and the couples fell a little short of being faultless.

Greg Kelly Knows the Lyrics to "Back to My Roots" Better Than RuPaul Does
During the always-fabulous RuPaul's interview this morning on Good Day New York, Greg Kelly had a surprise in store: he shouted out the lyrics to dance classic "Back to My Roots." Who knew Greg was such a party animal?

Parks & Recreation: "Go Big or Go Home"
Three months have passed since the parks department was closed down and put on hiatus. A lot has happened in that span of time. Let's check in with our favorite town members of Pawnee, Indiana!

Ryan Gosling Sings "You Always Hurt The One You Love" With Jimmy Kimmel
It might have been better if Jimmy Kimmel had just stayed out of it, but still—swoon! Here's the clip from last night in which Ryan Gosling sings his heart out (while playing the ukulele!) for all to adore.

Community: The Times, They are a Chang-in'
The gang is back for a brand-new semester at school. The new developments? Annie's sweet on a good guy and wants him in the group. Shirley's ex-husband is back in the picture but she might be pregnant with Chang's baby!