Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Stephen Colbert investigates Taco Bell's meat, Community puts on an anti-drug play, the return of Archer, Pawnee gets the flu on Parks & Rec, and Michael Scott and David Brent meet on The Office.

Here is Michael Scott Meeting David Brent For the First Time
A longtime dream of many Office fans was realized this evening as two titans of industry finally happened upon each other in a hallway. The Gervais/Carell team up was exactly as glorious as you'd expect.

Archer is a Hit with Not-Quite-Legal Teens
No, not the show, but Sterling Archer himself. Last night's season premiere finds our hero trying to dissuade unwanted finger-banging from a sixteen year old seductress hailing from a country where the age of consent is fourteen.

Community: A Drug-Awareness Play Gone Awry
Annie has convinced the study group to become the Greendale Anti-Drug players and they'll be putting on a play for 50 middle-schoolers. The play couldn't have gone worse if they tried, and culminated with the kids chanting "we love drugs!"

Stephen Colbert Discovers a Way to Eat 100% Meat at Taco Bell
Bummed out about the recent discovery that Taco Bell's "meat" is really only 35% meat? Stephen Colbert investigates with a Beefy Crunch Burrito.

Parks and Recreation: Pawnee Gets Hit With The Flu
On Parks and Rec, the entire town was hit with a bout of influenza. No one—not even Rob Lowe's physically perfect body—was immune to the damage. At least Ron and Andy got some bonding time out of it!