Since Tuesday, Egypt has been in a state of open revolt with protesters taking over the streets of Cairo and other cities and towns demanding the removal of a defiant President Hosni Mubarak. Here's a roundup of the latest reports.

  • Intelligence chief Lieutenant General Omar Suleiman has been sworn in as vice president — the first time Mubarak has ever appointed a VP. The army supports him, as do many Egyptians and foreign diplomats, but he's still a close ally of Mubarak and most Egyptians want a clean break from the past. [Al Arabiya]
  • Mubarak's son and onetime presumed heir apparent Gamal has fled the country to London with his brother, Alaa. [BBC]
  • The nationwide death toll has reached at least 74 since Tuesday. [Reuters]
  • Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa told Al Jazeera that he supports the demonstrations against Mubarak. [AJE]
  • The army is in Tahrir Square — the epicenter of the protests — and there are many reports of Egyptian soldiers and officers joining the protesters. Tanks have been spray painted with anti-Mubarak graffiti, and one general really got into it (via reporter Jon Jensen):
  • At least five protesters were shot and killed while storming the Interior Ministry headquarters. [CNN]
  • Eight police stations in Alexandria are on fire. [Al Masry Al Youm]
  • There are many reports of looting — government buildings, businesses and private homes — and much of it is being blamed on police officers. [Al Masry Al Youm]
  • Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, another unpopular strongman fearing for his own ass, backed Mubarak and denounced the protesters. [WSJ]

[Image via Getty]