As the crowds of protesters across Egypt grow, opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei is in Cairo's Tahrir Square to address the demonstrators, and Hillary Clinton spoke of a "peaceful transition." Here's a quick look at the latest news out of Egypt.

  • The Guardian quotes the state-run MENA news agency as saying the Ministry of Information has ordered the "suspension of operations of al-Jazeera, cancelling of its licences and withdrawing accreditation to all its staff, as of today". [Guardian]
  • Egyptian Air Force fighter jets flew low over Tahrir Square today, but failed to intimidate protesters. [AJE]
  • Mohamed ElBaradei told Fareed Zakaria, "I think it is loud and clear from everybody in Egypt that Mubarak has to leave today, and it is non-negotiable for every Egyptian." [CNN]
  • ElBaradei has also gotten support from several key opposition groups to lead a post-Mubarak transitional government. [Reuters]
  • Egyptian citizens are forming neighborhood groups to protect property. CNN's Ben Wedeman tweets from his neighborhood:
  • The Minister of Defense, Mohamed Tantawi, was spotted hanging out with protesters in Cairo. [Al Masry Al Youm]
  • Hillary Clinton, speaking on CNN's "State of the Union," wouldn't explicitly back Hosni Mubarak and called for an "orderly, peaceful transition" to "real democracy." [NYT]
  • Issandr El Amrani asks several pressing questions about the current situation in the country. [Arabist]

Here's Oum Kalthoum's classic, "Inta Omri":

[Image via AP]