Today at Gawker.TV, Nick Offerman appears on Conan without his "Ron Swanson mustache," Angry Larry Birds, Chris Elliott talks shit about Jay Leno and Pauly D. has a case of Bieber Fever—and it's ruining his perfect coif.

Jersey Shore's Pauly D. Lets His Hair Down After Catching "Bieber Fever"
Our quest of spotting "Pauly D. With Normal Hair" began in an outtake from season 2 of Jersey Shore. We're lucky to see the rare sight again—this time, in the form of a commercial for Justin Bieber's movie.

We Just Saw Ron Swanson Without a Mustache and We Liked It
On tonight's Conan, Parks and Recreation's Nick Offerman delighted audiences with much more than his clean-shaven face.

You Already Love Angry Birds, Now Feast Your Eyes on Angry Larry Birds
By now we can all agree that Angry Birds may just be the most popular game ever released for the iPhone. But wouldn't you rather flick Larry Bird's head into a block that will then squish teeny tiny Magic Johnson's?

Chris Elliott on the Tonight Show: "That Show Is For Morons"
Friend of the Late Show Chris Elliott showed up on Dave's couch and he was revved up on the fact that Jay Leno stopped him for one of his "stupid" Jaywalking segments. You can guess how it went from there.

Weatherman Has Phallic Slip-Up On Air
This Canadian weather channel anchor suggests that you grab something hot and inappropriate to keep you warm in this cold, nasty weather.