Shia LaBeouf got in a bar fight after someone called him a "faggot." Calvin Klein's boyfriend wrongly boasts about his new car collection. Lindsay Lohan girds herself for a legal fight. Khloe Kardashian tries to lose weight. Sunday gossip roundup!

  • Shia LaBeouf got in a bar fight at the Mad Bulls Tavern in Sherman Oaks, CA and was cuffed and hauled away in a cop car. According to one eye-witness, Shia got punched in the face and split his lip. The guy on the other side of the fight says he tried to ask Shia for a photo but he refused. Later, when Shia came out of the bar, one of the guy's buddies tried to say hi to him but Shia told him to "get the fuck out of my way." So the guy said "don't worry, he's just a fucking faggot anyway." Shia flipped out, charged and started "chest-bumping" him. Then the bouncer put Shia a head lock and turned him over to the cops. This sounds like they were just filming the big screen version of Jersey Shore. [Radar] TMZ, Radar]
  • Seems that 68 year-old Calvin Klein is building his 21-year-old ex-porn star boyfriend Nick Gruber a seven-car garage at his beach house in the Hamptons to store a collection of "classic muscle cars" that Calvin Klein will also presumably buy him. Gruber told someone this at a party, but Calvin Klein's rep later told the Post: "This is not true… he is enlarging the garage because he has his own cars and his staff have cars." Just typical lovers' quarrel between two men, one of the men's publicist, and the New York Post. [P6]
  • Lindsay Lohan and the Mystery of the Stolen Necklace continues to unfold: Lilo's lawyer says her camp "vehemently deny these allegations." TMZ reports that the D.A. prosecuting Lindsay will be the same one who tried to get her sent to jail for violating her parole. And Lindsay thinks that the whole thing is just a publicity ploy by the boutique that made the necklace. That would be Kamofie & Company in Venice California. Look for them to start mass-manufacturing the "sticky fingers" commemorative Lindsay Lohan pendant. [TMZ, TMZ, TMZ]
  • Porn star Bree Olson, one of the elves in Charlie Sheen's workshop of sex, was arrested for a DUI. [TMZ]
  • Khloe Kardashian is trying to lose weight because she wants to look good in a bikini and also is insecure about her weight: "I could be as skinny as ever, but to somebody else, I may not ever be good enough. My weight fluctuates, and I accept that, and it's my life struggle, but I just wanted to point out that I'm normal, and everybody has their own things." But also, she just wants to look good in a bikini. [People]
  • People keep whispering that Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky's marriage is on the rocks. Well, how do you explain these photos of them working out together? Nobody can get a divorce when sweet endorphins are flooding their veins. [Daily Mail]
  • Eva Longoria finally stepped out with her new boyfriend Eduardo Cruz, whom she started dating after getting divorced from Tony Parker. Well, actually they went sailing on a yacht in Miami. They look pretty happy. This story would have been a lot better if Eduardo Cruz had to fight off a shark. [Radar]
  • Top Chef contestant Richard Blais had a baby. [People]

[Image via Getty]