[There was a video here]

Just when you thought the Winklevoss twins' jihad against Facebook couldn't get more ridiculous, they give an aggressively homoerotic video interview to The Daily. Watch the Teutonic twins pump iron, flex butt cheeks, and flaunt nipples to an action movie soundtrack.

The Winklevii say theirs is a "David and Goliath" tale, wherein a physically flawless pair of multimillionaire Harvard legacy bluebloods fancy themselves meek rock-slingers. The only person who believes them: The Daily reporter Erin Ade, who prefaces her ritualized hero worship interview with, "the Winklevoss twins and I are childhood friends."

Anyway, here's a GIF of the best moment from the interview, when the Winklevii morph into a four-headed beast of preppy terror.

The Winklevoss-Zuckerberg spat continues to be the most asinine battle between the most well-connected Harvard men in America.

[The Daily]