Almost a month ago we told you of the story of Todd Bieber and his quest to find the owners of a lost roll of film he found in Prospect Park during a blizzard in December.

Since then he has appeared on dozens of television news shows, newspapers, and blogs, however he still has yet to find the owners. Here is an update on his big adventure. If you recognize any of the people in the photographs you are urged to contact:

From Todd's YouTube page:

I was skiing in Brooklyn's Prospect Park and I found a roll of film. I made a video and people helped me look for the owners.

CORRECTION: Several people have emailed me and said that the camera is not Leica camera but a Olympus Pen F camera with possibly a 38mm lens. Hope this is helpful.

Pictures were found by the Audubon Society Building in Prospect Park between 1-3PM on Thursday December 30th.

Go to here to see an image of the two men that appear in several of the photos - who I can only assume are the owners.

Thanks everyone for the support! Your emails and messages have been amazing. As of Wednesday Jan 26th at 6PM — I have NOT found the owners of the film. I'll keep you updated.

By the way — This story is 100% true. Cross my heart. I didn't realize that would even be an issue for some people. haha. Just interested in telling my story and finding the owners.