The story in Egypt has taken another hairpin turn—but for the better this time. The protesters have finally kicked out their old man, (ex-)President Hosni Mubarak. He's stepped down and retreated to his estate at Sharm el-Sheik, on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula.

Meanwhile, back in Cairo, there's an exciting new military state:

CAIRO - President Hosni Mubarak resigned Friday and handed power to the Egyptian military, setting off wild celebrations among protesters across the country who had demanded his ouster for the last 18 days.

When the announcement by Vice President Omar Suleiman was broadcast in Cairo's Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the protets, pandemonium broke out as huge throngs of demonstrators realized they had achieved their goal.

Congratulations, huge throngs!

Egypt is one big party right now, and deservedly so. But what happens next? Even though the army is still a respected state institution, a "military dictatorship" doesn't really fly as a long-term solution to protesters demanding freedom. The plan, at least, is for the military to supervise a constitutional transition of indeterminate length:

The Egyptian military issued a communiqué pledging to carry out a variety of constitutional reforms in a statement notable for its commanding tone. The military's statement alluded to the delegation of power to Mr. Suleiman and it suggested that the military would supervise implementation of the reforms.

Sounds complicated.

[Image via AP]

Egyptian Military Backs Mubarak
Hosni Mubarak Isn't Going Anywhere
Hosni Mubarak Could Step Down Tonight
The Shabby Nerve Center of the Egyptian Revolution