Is This Sarah Palin's Secret Facebook Page?

It looks like America's Facebooking-est failed governor has been using a fake account to shower praise on her daughter and "like" herself. And she's friends with some creepy people!
The geniuses at Wonkette have been reading the leaked memoir from one of Palin's former aides, and discovered a mistakenly unredacted private e-mail for Palin in the manuscript. They plugged the e-mail address into the Facebook machine, which awesomely associates Facebook accounts with e-mail addresses even when the addresses aren't public on the page, and—presto chango!—up comes a page for a "Lou Sarah" who is friends with a bunch of Wasilla folk and has an unhealthy obsession with Bristol Palin.

Here she is delivering Bristol a message of faith and inspiration after her devastating loss on that dancing show (click on the images to enlarge): "You are our winner! Thank you for remembering the Lord in your nice remarks!"

Earlier, "Lou Sarah" encouraged Bristol to "dance for everyone who...faces challenges" and resigns in the face of those challenges:
Congratulations! Dance with PASSION, dance for TRIPP! Have a blast this week, we can't wait for Monday night when your light can shine! Dance for everyone who struggles and faces challenges. Dance for us. We love you.
"Lou Sarah" also used the page for sockpuppetry, "liking" herself, commenting "Amen" on Palin's public Facebook page, and recommending links to her own op-eds. Most of her 12 Facebook friends are Wasilla residents, including her brother Chuck Heath Jr. and some lady named Claire Barton who is a member of Palin's Assemblies of God church and lists among her activities and interests: "Restore Fear of YAHWEH/GOD and YESHUA/CHRIST as Ruler of our Countries."
We've put an inquiry out to a press representative for Palin asking whether the page is real. Aside from the matching e-mail address, the page offers another bit of evidence that it belongs to Palin or someone from her circle: She wrote on the Facebook page of Alaska training company Edge Fitness to alert them to an upcoming plug in Sarah Palin's Alaska. "Edge Fitness is seen in upcoming TLC "Sarah Palin's Alaska" Sunday night episode because the Palins LOVE Alina!" (Alina is one of Edge's trainers.) How "Lou Sarah" would know what was in upcoming episodes of Palin's show is something of a mystery, no?
[Photo of Palin via Getty.]