[There was a video here]

Vice President Joe Biden is making a tour of the local community college campuses and is set to meet with the Dean and the student body president. One problem: Greendale has no student body president. Quick, to the make-shift elections!

Annie is the first to sign up to run and Jeff signs up soon after—pretty much just to be a jerk. From there, things escalate. We find out that Starburns is a drug dealer when he withdraws his name from the race, that Magniturde really only says those two words, and that Pierce is only in the race to get back at Vicki for refusing to lend him a pencil.

[There was a video here]

Everything changes when Annie digs up a 1997 audition tape of Jeff performs a song to the tune of "Faith" dressed as George Michael. This may be my favorite moment of the season.

[There was a video here]

Abed, the outsider, had noticed the Secret Service scoping out the campus and said so when it was revealed that the Vice President would be attending. This prompts Robin, a secret service agent, to keep an extra eye on him for the rest of the episode, even going to far as to rummage through his apartment. It all ends on a happy note at the end of the show—Abed watches a movie in his room as Robin watches him from afar. Abed's finally getting a romantic storyline!