Rep. Darrell Issa, the retired car thief and current chair of the House's government oversight committee, has the power to investigate basically any corruption or wrongdoing or politically motivated witch hunt in the federal government. But now he'll have to handle an internal probe with his own spokesman, Kurt Bardella.

Bardella has been accused of blind copying his emails with Capitol Hill reporters to New York Times reporter Mark Leibovich, who's writing a book about the horribly incestuous relationships between the media and government officials in Washington. So naturally he'd like to have some of these emails where reporters offer candy and blowjobs to Bardella in exchange for the day's hot gossip or an interview opportunity with the congressman.

Issa started his inquiry into Bardella's bcc'ing practices only a day or two ago, after Politico's editor wrote the congressman a concerned note about it. In other words, Politico reporters must have been sending some pretty embarrassing emails to Kurt Bardella. We look forward to reading them in Mark Leibovich's book!

(Another interesting fact about Kurt Bardella and his boss, Darrell Issa: Howard Kurtz can't tell the difference.)

Update: Issa has fired Bardella.

[Image via AP]