With Mubarak out of power, Egyptians turned today on the brutal State Security Services he used to cement his reign. Thousands of protestors stormed the agency's main headquarters in Cairo, ransacking offices and searching for evidence of Mubarak's wrongdoing among classified documents. This is basically like if Americans were given free reign at the FBI's HQ.

The State Security Services were responsible for some of the worst human rights abuses during Mubrarak's 30-year rule, according to the AP. "We all suffered and saw horrible torture at the hands of this agency," one protestor said. And many of those who raided the agency's offices today were victims of abuse.

Above are prison cells underneath the Cairo headquarters. And following are some of the images and videos that were posted to social networks in almost real-time by Egyptians as they explored the building. (Image via @yasserseif)

A mountain of shredded documents (via @teleraby)

Guy with a bazooka in "what looks like an assassination room" in the Cairo HQ. (via @shadymokh)

A video of what looks like a torture device.

According to reports, the headquarters featured "a whole room of sex video tapes for famous people." (Maybe for blackmail?) This one reads
"Sexual moment between woman member of Kuwaiti Royal Family and Egyptian businessman in Hotel Cecile Alexandria 5.OCT.2002" (via @shadymokh)

This is apparently a page from the Security Services file of Khaled Said, a young man beaten to death by police last year. Said's death sparked outrage in Egypt, eventually culminating in the January 25th protests which overthrew Mubarak. (via @yasserseif)

More shredded documents. (via 3arabawy)

Protestors say they discovered these belly dancing outfits in the headquarters. (via Sarrahsworld)

Not all documents were Egyptian. Here's an FBI file. Egypt was one of America's partners in the C.I.A.'s 'extraordinary renditions' program—wherein we flew terror suspects to other countries which tortured them—so it's possible some embarrassing revelations for the U.S. might come out of this.