Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas likes to have sex with two women at the same time! He's also, according to his former lover Lillian McEwen, who has written a book about what it's like to have a three-way with someone who would eventually become a fundamentalist Supreme Court justice, basically a human fucksaw: "McEwen gushes over Thomas' prowess and 'fantasy [package],' describing his body as 'coffee-bean ... velvet-covered cement.'" Rock hard, baby.

McEwen explains why she wrote a book about her decades-old tryst with the "easily aroused...national treasure," whom she "shared with other women in ménages à trois and in a voyeuristic pleasure palace," in this interview with AFRO. But the takeaway is that Clarence banged two ladies at once.

Which is odd, considering he's a fire-breathing Catholic, which tend to be against sex generally and group sex in particular. Why, here's a Supreme Court dissent by his colleague brother Nino Scalia in which Thomas concurred arguing that gay sex should remain criminal because it's just like polygamy, which is awful:

The Court's opinion contains grim, disapproving hints that Coloradans have been guilty of "animus" or "animosity" toward homosexuality, as though that has been established as Unamerican. Of course it is our moral heritage that one should not hate any human being or class of human beings. But I had thought that one could consider certain conduct reprehensible — murder, for example, or polygamy, or cruelty to animals — and could exhibit even "animus" toward such conduct.

So for the record: Clarence Thomas thinks polygamy (and gay sex) are wrong but that three-ways are awesome. And no, he's not a hypocrite. He wasn't trying to marry two women at once; he just wanted to fuck them. Totally different.

[Image of Thomas via Getty]