The Sarah Palin 2011 World Tour has invaded Israel, America's strongest ally in the Middle East. This jaunt follows an upscale shopping mall trip to India earlier in weekend. It's all coming together, folks! Let's see how Sarah Palin has been enjoying her time in the Holy Land.

  • Stop apologizing, Israel! Sarah Palin observed that Israeli Likudniks apologize too much for enjoying their freedoms. From the Jerusalem Post: "World Likud chairman and Likud MK Danny Danon and Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz served as Palin's tour guides on Sunday night. Palin was told that Jews were not allowed to pray openly on the Temple Mount and about the Arab riots that accompanied Netanyahu's decision to authorize the creation of an exit from the Western Wall tunnels in 1996. 'Why are you apologizing all the time?' Palin asked her guides." Never apologize, never surrender.
  • The Israeli flag has no better friend than Sarah Palin. "Palin, who was wearing a large Star of David, told Danon that she had flags of Israel 'on my desk, in my home, all over the place' and that she would carry around a flag she bought in Israel." What can you say? She loves that shit.
  • When Sarah Palin sticks a note in the Western Wall, it stays. "Rabinowitz said that Palin prayed at the point closest to the Holy of Holies and left a note with a personal prayer. Unlike the incident that occurred when then-presidential candidate Barack Obama visited the Western Wall in July 2008, nobody removed her note from the Wall and gave it to the press." Then how does the J-Post know her note had a personal prayer? Maybe it just said "Plz wire $50 to Piper for cold cuts, magical wall."

Barack Obama may hate you, Israel, but Sarah Palin will adopt your flag as her own.

[Image via Getty]