
Israel Accuses Facebook of Perpetuating West Bank Violence

Hannah Gold · 07/03/16 03:00PM

Israel’s Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan accused Facebook and its chief executive Mark Zuckerberg of being partially responsible for violence in the West Bank, including the murder of a 13-year old Israeli girl last Thursday. Eredan claims that Facebook failed to remove extremist content that incited violence and hampered the work of Israeli police.

At AIPAC, Clinton Attacks One Race-Baiting Demagogue, Invites Another to the White House

Alex Pareene · 03/21/16 02:30PM

Speaking today at the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the largest and most influential organization in the so-called Israel lobby, likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton drew a sharp contrast between her own position on the American-Israeli relationship and that of another politician whose more realist approach had won him few fans in the room: President Barack Obama.

Israel Bans Arab-Jewish Romance Novel in Schools Over Fears of Race-Mixing 

Ashley Feinberg · 12/31/15 10:34AM

In a move one might expect from an Education Minister who’s said such things as “when Palestinians were climbing trees, we already had a Jewish state” and “I’ve killed lots of Arabs in my life, and there’s no problem with that,” Israel has banned an Arab-Jewish romance novel from schools for “threatening Jewish identity.” Or put more simply, it banned the book over fears that it encourages race-mixing.

Israel Threatens Forced Displacement of Native Kitten Population

Ashley Feinberg · 11/02/15 09:50PM

Citing Jewish law, Israel’s agricultural minister, Uri Ariel, has proposed a solution to what he sees as a population control problem that has begun to encroach on the country’s God-given right to peace and happiness: an overabundance of kittens. The recommended solution? Forcibly displacing the fluffy, offending race from their native land.

Israeli Prime Minister: Okay But The Holocaust Wasn't Totally Hitler's Fault

Ashley Feinberg · 10/21/15 09:52AM

In an address to the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided it might be a good idea to partially absolve Hitler of responsibility for the systematic genocide of six million Jews. In doing so, Netanyahu parroted an idea that has since been widely rejected by the vast majority of historians.