One of the tragedies of being marginally famous is that people can write true things about you that you don't like on the internet. Well now, thanks to a knight, these lost souls finally have recourse: iCorrect, the internet's premiere source for niggling, picayune corrections from people you don't particularly care about.

iCorrect, which was founded by Hong Kong businessman Sir David Tang, is a sort of anti-Twitter for rich people. Or maybe a counter-Huffington Post? Anyway, the deal is this: For $1,000 a year and verification of your identity/status as a celebrity, you can post "corrections" to stuff people write about you on Wikipedia and elsewhere. Your pedantic truth-bombs will then be archived, surrounded by a charming vintage 1994 web design, on iCorrect for random web-goers to find. It's like Gossipcop, but more boring.

iCorrect has only been live for a month, and already it has countered some of the vilest lies ever to sully the internet. For instance, for years Michael Caine has had to live under a cloud of suspicion that he once said, "not many people know that." No more!

I have never said Not Many People Know That. Peter Sellers said it when he impersonated my voice on his telephone answering machine. His impersonation was "This is Michael Caine, Peter Sellers is out. Not many people know that" He also repeated this on the Michael Parkinson show. I do not mind something clever being attributed to me, but I do mind something stupid that I did not say or do.

Sometimes the truth hurts. Bianca Jagger also bravely stepped forward to combat the "defamatory" claim that she "famously celebrated her birthday there by riding half-naked through [Studio 54] on a white horse": "I would like to set the record straight about the horse in Studio 54. I love horses and I used to have a white horse in Nicaragua, however, I would certainly not have ridden a horse into a nightclub." See people! Bianca Jagger would never ride a horse in a nightclub. End. Of. Story.

Once, as a surprise for my 27th birthday (in 1977), a horse was brought into Studio 54 in New York. I briefly mounted the horse, dressed in a full length red Halston dress (see picture attached). Unfortunately this event has been fictionalised and the facts have been misrepresented by several reputable media outlets....

It's truly shameful that respectable media outlets would twist a story about sitting on a horse in Studio 54 into one about riding a horse in Studio 54. Helpfully, Jagger appended her correction with a photograph or her on a horse in Studio 54. She is plainly sitting, not riding.

Another early contributor is historian Niall Ferguson, who used it to continue his endless and tedious war with Paul Krugman. In summary, Krugman claimed in December to have won an argument with Ferguson, when in fact it was Ferguson who had won the argument in question. So this month, Ferguson didn't just correct the record—he iCorrected it: "So comprehensively did Krugman lose this exchange that one Korean newspaper ran the headline the next day: 'A great Nobel Prize winner humiliated like a dog in Korea.'" Well that's over. I'm sure Ferguson got his $1,000 worth out of that, considering that he really had no where else to turn to combat Krugman's lies.

[Image via Shutterstock]