
God Slept: Morgan Freeman Falls Asleep During Live Interview

Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/23/13 09:01AM

It was early in the morning — one of those hours when even God is still asleep — so you'll have to forgive Morgan Freeman for dozing off during an on-air interview with Tacoma-based Fox affiliate Q13 about his new film Now You See Me.

Journey 2: The Rock Discovers Atlantis

Brian Moylan · 11/10/11 01:52PM

What the hell is Journey 2? Is it when the Glee kids sing "Don't Stop Believing?" What even was Journey 1. Oh, it was Journey to the Center of the Earth! But Brendan Frasier is gone, and so is the earth.

Semi-Celebrities Finally Have a Place to Go to Complain About the Internet

John Cook · 03/28/11 11:56AM

One of the tragedies of being marginally famous is that people can write true things about you that you don't like on the internet. Well now, thanks to a knight, these lost souls finally have recourse: iCorrect, the internet's premiere source for niggling, picayune corrections from people you don't particularly care about.

Heath Ledger's Posthumous Oscar Campaign Rolls On

Mark Graham · 07/15/08 08:00PM

· The eldest denizens of the Dark Knight cast, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman, made an obligatory promotional stop-off to hobnob with the ladies of The View this morning. And, of course, they used the opportunity to stump for a Heath Ledger Oscar nomination. We'll weigh in tomorrow morning with our own thoughts, as both Seth and STV saw the movie earlier this eve. [The View]
· Woody Allen's longtime producing partner, Charles Joffe, passed away at age 78. [NYT]
· Continuing the moribund nature of tonight's edition of Short Ends, we're sad to report that nearly 150 staffers at the Los Angeles Times, including publisher David Hiller and truth-challenged reporter Chuck Philips, found themselves on the receiving end of a pink slip. [LA Observed]
· Even though we don't know a single person who watches CSI, we're pretty sure that millions of people will be upset to learn that all-around bad-ass William Peterson is leaving the show mid-season. [Michael Ausiello]
· Your Uncle Grambo's dreamgirl extraordinaire, Miss Amanda Bynes, is dating ... Seth MacFarlane??? NOOOOOO! We are so glad this day is over, we're not sure we could take anymore bad news. [ONTD]

Sir Michael Caine Springs Magically From British Airways Video Screen

seth · 10/26/07 04:22PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are the greatest single contribution you will make in this lifetime, so send them in often! Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you saw Vanessa Minnillo dressed exactly as you'd imagine a Vanessa Minnillo might dress.