Justin Bieber touched down in Israel today, and is scheduled to perform in Tel Aviv on Thursday night. But some time in the days in-between, he and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet. The historic Bieber-Bibi Summit will cover matters such as the recent violence in Gaza, the reform spreading through the Middle East, and whether Justin prefers boxers of briefs.

Netanyahu's office said the young singer and his manager were the ones who had asked for the meeting and the prime minister consented. [...]

Netanyahu's advisers invited a group of children from communities near the Gaza border to attend. The children had disembarked from a school bus just before it was hit by a Hamas rocket last Thursday, critically wounded a teen and moderately wounding the bus driver.

Netanyahu no doubt thinks he's stumbled into a rare opportunity to win the hearts and minds of Bieber Nation. What he doesn't realize is that he's walking directly into one of the singer's legendary pro-Canada sermons, and the PM won't get five words into his agenda before Bieber interrupts, "You guys are evil! Canada's the best country in the world. We don't occupy our territories, and all our health care is free!" [Haaretz]