Nancy Grace Sued by Fellow Angry Lady

In your cooling Tuesday media column: Nancy Grace gets sued, traffic stats for the post-paywall, Hearst meets Mark Burnett, trade magazines roll up and die, and more Nocturnalist for all.
- Snarling fearmonger from hell Nancy Grace is being sued for $15 million by a former colleague who says that Grace backed out on a promise to make her executive producer of her show. We have no idea about the merits of the case, and we harbor strong suspicions that being eschewed by Nancy Grace is in fact a blessing in disguise, but we wouldn't mind seeing Nancy Grace financially ruined on general principle.
- Hitwise says that the daily pageviews on have declined by roughly 20% since the paper instituted its paywall. Since that 20%, by definition, wasn't doing a god damn thing for the NYT in the first place (except goosing online ad revenue by some paltry sum), that's not bad at all. Welcome to the new normal!
- Hearst has signed a deal to buy half of the production company owned by reality TV wasteland-overseer Mark Burnett. If you speculated that Hearst magazines would soon be getting some TV brand extensions, well, I wouldn't be the one to argue with you.
- Let us have a moment of silence for Brandweek and Mediaweek, both of which are disappearing and being rolled into Adweek after nearly two decades in business. A surprising number of good reporters came out of those places! Cheers to you all, and the dead titles of your past. Don't fuck this all up, Michael Wolff.
- The NYT is expanding Sarah Maslin Nir's Nocturnalist nightlife column. Dig it.
[Photo via Getty]