Deposed Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak was detained today, after his well-timed "heart attack" during questioning over allegations of corruption and for ordering the violent crackdown on pro-democracy protesters earlier this year. Last night his klepto sons, Gamal and Alaa were arrested and taken in for questioning in Sharm el-Sheikh, where the family has a massive compound, presumably built with money stolen from the state. In a statement, Egypt's prosecutor general said:

"The prosecutor general orders the detention of former president Hosni Mubarak and his sons Gamal and Alaa for 15 days pending investigation after the prosecutor general presented them with the current state of its ongoing investigations."

As a police van carried Gamal and Alaa to court, protesters threw rocks and flip flops at the vehicle, according to the Guardian. The brothers were reportedly flown to Cairo on a military plane today to face questioning from the Illicit Gains Authority.

[Guardian, al Masry al Youm; Images via AP]