Prep School Mom Declares Twitter War Against Child's School

An unhinged helicopter mom has taken fancy-pants Manhattan academy the Trinity School hostage. Her weapon of choice: Twitter.
After run-of-the-mill mommy feuds with her second-grade daughter's teachers, Seema Kalia moved to the big leagues: She would use her experience as a freelance journalist to bait New York media into a massive expose about Trinity. Unfortunately, nobody managed to build a story around Kalia's still unproven claims about tax fraud, corruption, "forcing children into (fake) psychotherapy," racism, and other sundries; at least seven news outlets tried to follow Kalia's leads, only to abandon the tale, Trinity officials tell The Daily Beast's Nick Summers.
But the ever-resourceful Kalia—who is married to a man who manages a $200 billion fund—would not be stopped. With her daughter still enrolled at the school run by her mortal enemies, Kalia launched smear campaigns on Twitter, Facebook, and, ranting up to 20 times a day. Sample tweets:
Trinity trustees:Don't take a great school down with you.RESIGN TODAY.You failed us all, don't destroy the School too #trinitytrusteesfraud
10:51 AM Apr 12th via TweetDeck
Controlling internet? Seizing email? CongratsTrinity Trustees are now an "oppressive-foreign-dictator-level" of crazy.#trinitytrusteesfraud
9:18 AM Apr 11th via TweetDeck
World's lamest daydream: The IRS investigator is a sensitive widower who looks JUST like George Clooney & he's going fix my WHOLE LIFE too!
3:06 PM Apr 7th via TweetDeck
By sheer dint of social media saturation, Kalia got the attention she sought: She was deemed so histrionic, even the high-strung mamas of called her "sordid," "barely literate," and "incomprehensible." Today, Trinity issued a stuffy statement chastising "baseless and utterly false" accusations from an unnamed "Trinity parent."
In the face of rampant disbelief and widespread disdain, Kalia is now taking a break from Twitter—so that she can hire a PR team to manage her social media presence and ongoing anti-Trinity campaign. Tweeteth she,
Don't worry, I haven't changed—But I'm taking a break from all media so that we can handle the rapidly increasing numbers of issues, press inquiries and public concerns regarding the illegal conduct of 12 trustees of Trinity School since 2008. Members of the press can message me & I promise to forward all queries to our reps.
All of which will be very good fodder for Seema Kalia's daughter's future memoir, When Helicopter Moms Join Twitter: A Cautionary Tale. [DailyBeast, @seemakalia, image via Seema Kalia's Facebook]