Rep. Ron Paul and his son, Sen. Rand Paul, are popular members of the Tea Party movement to slash every government entitlement and regulation ever, for the sake of Liberty. Both are considering runs for president, and at least one — Daddy, probably — is likely to enter the race. Is there anything not to like about the Paul family of doctor-libertarians? Don't answer that question until you hear about the latest prize in this stable, Robert Paul, who is considering a run for the Senate himself.

Robert Paul of Forth Worth, Texas, like his father and brother, is a doctor-libertarian. He runs a family medical practice. And he's considering being the next beneficiary of the wingnut welfare that comes with the "Paul" family name now. He doesn't want to become a politician, necessarily but "the debt" bothers him. From the Fort Worth Star-Telegram:

After campaigning for his father, most notably giving speeches during the elder Paul's 2008 presidential bid, Robert Paul is considering whether to jump into the race to replace Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison when her term expires in January 2013.

"I have thought about running," Robert Paul, one of five children, told the Star-Telegram. "I am very happy as a physician, but [I] have a lot of concern about the debt."

The Pauls have got it made.

[Image of Rand and Ron Paul via AP]