The Underwear Model Who Became Levi Johnston

Or rather will become. The role of Levi has been cast, and the actor who will play him, like Levi, enjoys taking his clothes off for money. Also today: Superman casting, Piranha casting, and movie awards hosting news.
- Game Change, the HBO movie based on the book about the 2008 presidential election, has found its sexiest actor. Who will this sexy actor play? Levi Johnston, of course! A young fellow named Justin Gaston has been cast as the hockey-playing Alaskan seed spreader, who probably would have played himself if they'd only asked. Gaston has been a bit of a low-rent gadabout in recent years, becoming famous for being Miley Cyrus's underwear model boyfriend, then featuring on the Hulu reality series If I Can Dream and opening up for American Idol winner Kris Allen on his tour. Yes, he sings, he acts, he models! He's the ideal renaissance man to play the north land's chief stud horse (he's called "Fuck Stallion" in Aleut). Now if we can just get one of the girls from 16 and Pregnant to play Bristol, we'll have a really great cast. [Deadline]
- The new Superman movie may have found its lady villain. A German actress named Antje Traue is said to be close to locking down a major role in Zack Snyder's Superman: Man of Steel. It seems she will likely be playing Faora, who became Ursa the General Zod cohort in two of the Christopher Reeve pictures. Her big thing is that she really, really hates men. Except for General Zod. In Zod she trusts. But other men, forget about it. Why not just call her Gloria Steinem and be done with it, comic book writers? Way to talk about feminism maturely. Jeez louise (Bourgeois). [THR]
- Jason Sudeikis, Saturday Night Live's current go-to guy for Midwesty raucousness, has been tapped to host the MTV Movie Awards, a sad event for sad people where everything's sad. C'mon, Sudeikis! You're better than that. You're at least a VMAs-level guy. Though, in some ways the VMAs are worse than the Movie Awards. In some ways. If you think about it. So, OK Sudeikis, carry on. [The Wrap]
- Spike TV has renewed its raunchy football comedy Blue Mountain State for a third season. So get ready for more vague homoeroticism. And, hey look at that, get ready for more Denise Richards! She'll be back as the coach's crazy wife, doing some of the best acting since her MTV Movie Award nominated work (probably not, really) in Starship Troopers. [Deadline]
- Oh good. Stable human being Gary Busey has joined the cast of Piranha 3DD, the sequel to Piranha 3D that I guess has, what, bigger breasts? Something. It's a joke, I'm guessing. Some kind of joke. Anyway, there's no word on who he'll be playing, but obviously the best guess is that he'll be playing one of the piranhas. "Jake, look at me, I'm a piranha fish! Look at me, Jake, just look at me." [THR]
- Poor Ving Rhames has been cast on a Comedy Central pilot about a special ops badass who retires. Remember when Ving Rhames was gonna be big-time, and he won a Golden Globe award and stuff? Well, he won it, but then he immediately gave it to Jack Lemmon. I wonder if he ever wants it back. Well, at least he's not in Piranha 3DD. I mean, he was in Piranha 3D, but I guess every man has to set some standards. And one D is as far as Ving Rhames will go. [Deadline]
[Photo via Getty]