After last year's census, we discovered that 45% of you, our favorite schadenfreude-ers, spend 7+ hours a week in front of the boob tube, and that 79.3% regularly watch TV comedies. Seriously, how many Two and a Half Men reruns can you possibly sit through? JK! We're sure you're watching the good stuff, like all those super-hilarious episodes of Frontline, right? We kid because we love you. And since you love Gawker, would you take ten minutes to share what things besides TV watching you're into this year?

So, press that little red power button on your remote, then click here to get started on the 2011 Gawker Media Census. You could win an iPad 2 plus a Smart Cover in the color of your choice!

[Winner will be chosen at random. Click here for all the rules. Only open to US residents. Readers may also enter by sending the last question of the census and their contact information to Gawker Media, Attn: 2011 Gawker Media Census, 210 Elizabeth Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10012. The contest begins on May 3 at 11:59am EST and ends on May 12 at 11:59pm EST.]

Thank you! And now back to your regularly scheduled program.