
The 2011 Gawker Media Census Results Are In

Studio@Gawker · 06/06/11 11:00AM

Over 5,800 of you filled out the 2011 Gawker Media Census, and for that we raise a box of Ramona Singer Pinot Grigio in your honor. Said Census revealed that 41% of you would prefer to watch a group of unmitigated boozehounds that we invented called Real Housewives of Richard Lawson's Mind to any other unmitigated boozehounds on the planet.

The Gawker Media Census Numbers Prove It—Lawson > San Francisco. Take It and Win an iPad 2!

Studio@Gawker · 05/11/11 11:00AM

So far, over 3,500 Gawker readers have shared their feedback with us via the 2011 Gawker Media Census. And we've learned that almost as many of you would to tune into a theoretical episode of The Real Housewives of San Francisco as The Real Housewives of Richard Lawson's Mind. The numbers are close, 37% to 38%, respectively, so there is still time for Richard's brilliant brain to win, and for you to tell us more about yourselves.

Turn off the TV and Take the 2011 Gawker Media Census and Win an iPad 2

Studio@Gawker · 05/04/11 03:00PM

After last year's census, we discovered that 45% of you, our favorite schadenfreude-ers, spend 7+ hours a week in front of the boob tube, and that 79.3% regularly watch TV comedies. Seriously, how many Two and a Half Men reruns can you possibly sit through? JK! We're sure you're watching the good stuff, like all those super-hilarious episodes of Frontline, right? We kid because we love you. And since you love Gawker, would you take ten minutes to share what things besides TV watching you're into this year?