46-year-old Cary Kerr was found guilty of raping and killing mother of four, Pamela Horton in Texas in 2001. And last night, he became the first man in Texas to be executed with the same sedative commonly used to euthanize pets, pentobarbital.

Texas joins a growing list of states that are putting humans to sleep like house pets after Hospira, the producer of the previous death row cocktail, sodium thiopental, was ordered by Italian authorities to stop producing it there. South Carolina is set to euthanize Jeffrey Motts on Friday with pentobarbital, and will join Oklahoma, Ohio and Texas in using the new cocktail.

Reuters reports that his last meal included "lasagna, spaghetti, pizza, fried chicken, baked chicken, tacos, pork ribs, deep-fried mushrooms, a cheeseburger, french fries, quiche and ice cream." The warden could have let Kerr die from eating that instead.

[Image of Kerr via AP]