Swedish Police Having Trouble Determining Robber's Species

Police in Gothenberg, Sweden are looking for a furry who committed armed robbery and fired a few shots at a local bank. Their first challenge: Figuring out whether the robber was a monkey or a bear.
An eyewitness to the crime provided this loose description of the perpetrator to the Swedish newspaper Gotebors-Posten:
"A man in a monkey outfit, or similar, may have been a bear, too, came running with security guards behind him. I thought it was a joke at first, a stunt, but then I walked past the bank and saw the shattered glass."
Perhaps video footage of the robbery can help guide police to the right conclusion. There's also this bit of evidence:
Around an hour after the robbery, police found a burning car near the crime scene. Investigations were continuing and no arrests had been made, they said.
While bears are known to fight fires, some monkeys smoke. Seems like a clue.