The killing of Osama bin Laden has put a renewed focus on pumping time and money into failed counter-terrorism measures across America. So now, since ever-vigilant Senator Chuck Schumer has nothing better to do with his time, he wants to start a "no-ride list" for Amtrak trains across the country. That sounds like a great idea, because we all know how well the "no-fly list" has worked out for the airlines. Just ask any of the little kids who can't get on a flight with their parents. Or, ask the men sitting in jail for trying to blow people up on airplanes.

Schumer told reporters yesterday that his no-ride list would come at "virtually no extra cost," but of course failed to explain how that statement is even remotely true. He wants Amtrak employees to cross-reference names from the list with passengers. Amtrak alone last year had 28.7 million passengers. Well, thanks for fighting the good fight, Chuck. And good luck with that!

[NYDN; image via Getty]