Today Lady Gaga unleashed her newest single, "Edge of Glory" to a flurry of internet squealing. To me it sounds like she traded in ripping off Madonna and went right for another '80s icon: Pat Benatar. There's even a sax solo!

I never thought I'd long to listen to "Judas", but it just happened. It's not that the song sounds like she ripped it right out of Benetar's catalog, but just like with "Born This Way," it sounds like the song is all influence and no synthesis. Gaga is at her best when she's being a little weird, and while this straight up pop song may be better than most of what clutters up pop radio (we're looking at you, Katy Perry's "Firework") it's still a little too expected to be revolutionary.

What do you guys think? Am I on the right track or should we cut Gaga some slack?