Back in the heady days of 1999, Osama bin Laden found himself juggling the demands of running Al Qaeda with his endless quest for love. So he tasked a young Yemeni cleric, Rashad Mohammed Saeed Ismael, with finding his fifth soulmate. According to Rashad, who spoke with the Guardian, bin Laden described the kind of girl he was looking for:

"She must be pious, dutiful, young [preferably aged 16-18], well mannered, from a decent family, but above all patient. She will have to endure my exceptional circumstances."

Now that's a man who knows what he wants. Rashad says he found "the perfect match" for the 44-year-old bin Laden — a 17-year-old Yemeni girl, Amal Ahmed al-Sadah, who was a one time student of Rashad's and ended up marrying bin Laden. She was also in the Abbottabad compound when bin Laden was killed. Today Rashad is trying to free Amal from Pakistani custody, along with bin Laden's daughter because, "All the Yemeni people want her to come home."

[Guardian; image via AP]