College Presidents Think Their Crappy Schools Are Great for You

You know who thinks college is a good deal? College presidents! You know who doesn't? Everyone else. Those are the (highly simplified and somewhat misleading) findings of the latest alarming survey about college—America's best new bubble!
The Pew Center surveyed both members of the public (dumb people) and college presidents (elitists). Let's sum up the striking contrasts!
57% say college "fails to provide students with good value for the money"
75% say college is too expensive for most people to afford.
24% say college debt affected their career choices
Among Americans 18-34 not in school and without a degree, most (57%) say they'd rather work and make money than go to school.
60% think American higher education is "headed in the right direction." More expensive?
63% think that "students and their families should pay the largest share of the cost of a college education." Less than half of regular people think that. Duh.
Only 19% think US higher education is the best in the world. LOL.
Of course, 94% of parents surveyed say they expect their kids to attend college, so why make it any better, or cheaper? It's still the perfect hustle. College! You need it, or else!