France Loves Mel Gibson

Despite everything, the French are pretty happy with Mel Gibson right now. Also today: even more network TV news, this time from the CW, plus an update on prestige cabler AMC.
- Well how about that. Though he's viewed as something of a bellicose anti-Semite here in the good ol' US and A, it seems that Mel Gibson has received a hero's welcome in France. The actor and his new film, Jodie Foster's Beaver, apparently received a ten-minute standing ovation at its Cannes Film Festival screening today. Well, OK, so maybe they just really liked the movie? But Gibson was there too, soaking up the applause. Here we thought it would go over like Medellin, but instead it's freaking Aquaman. (I realize Entourage references have no place in an item about Mel Gibson, nor do they really have a place anywhere, because gross, but what can you do?) So... uh, good for you Mel? Definitely good for you, Jodie. France loves your Beaver! (I'll show myself out.) [Deadline]
- Yesterday we found out that The CW was picking up Sarah Michelle Gellar's new show (hey, it beats USA, sort of), and now today we get the rest of their new lineup. They've surprised no one by going with The Secret Circle, a series from Kevin Williamson and Vampire Diaries author L.J. Smith. It's all about a girl who's a secret witch or something and it stars the blonde girl from Life UneXpected. They've also gone with Rachel Bilson's Hart of Dixie, about a flashy New York doctor who ends up in a funky southern town and takes over the local clinic. So it's a charming meth dramedy from Josh Schwartz, basically. The network has also renewed Nikita and One Tree Hill and canceled Hellcats. Yup, no more Hellcats, guys. In lieu of flowers, send a new TV show. [THR]
- Whoa. HBO's Game of Thrones, which is a very entertaining show and I apologize for making fun of it and I will read the books this summer okkkkkk, just keeps getting more popular. For the third week in a row the ratings went up from the week previous, and now with all the DVR and On Demand and DV Demand and On the R and what else thrown in, some 8.1 million people are watching each episode. That's pretty impressive and seems to indicate that the show is creating a solid and sizable fanbase. Which is good! Because, again, I like the show and you might as well start calling me Richard Snow because John Snow is my husband forever amen. [EW]
- Oh no!!!!! I hope you're sitting down, fans of Fox's hit lupus show Dr. House. Half of your favorite TV doctor romance (after Dr. Phil and that hoagie or, as they're known to 'shippers, "Dr. Phoagie"), Lisa Edelstein, will not be returning for the show's eighth season. Yup, she's had enough. Time to pursue other opportunities. Which likely means dicking around for a while and then being like "Oh, money was nice," and coming back, a la Jorja Fox on Crime Scene Investigation. Are you sad? Were you a Huddy 'shipper? Me, I was more of a Foreman/Cameron guy. Yeah, I love ManCam. [Deadline]
- Network-on-the-rise AMC has decided to pass on all six of their pilots currently in development, including one called The Fourth Estate from Gideon Yago. Awww, Gideon Yago! Remember him?? Poor Gideon. First the Brian McFayden news and now this. Not a good week for the MTV alums. Eh, somebody maybe wanna check on Jesse Camp? Just to be safe? [THR]
[Photo via Getty]