Here's a teaser trailer for the new Muppets movie, written by Jason Segel and Nicholas Stoller, a passion project of Segel's that's been in the works for several years now. It looks... muppety?

I like the joke that sets the movie up to look like a bland romantic drama type thing and then throws in Muppets at the last second. But beyond that, what is the movie really about? Hard to tell! And, really, does it matter? Muppets movies are Muppets movies, no matter if the gang is being framed for robbery or visiting with family from outer space.

Hopefully, though, Segel and company will bring a new freshness to the franchise, while also respecting the wry whimsy that makes the Muppets so endearing. You hear that, Segel? And no technology jokes, OK? I don't want to see Kermit emailing. Oh god, we're going to see Kermit emailing, aren't we?