[There was a video here]

lot of people can get through life without having to stray far from 12 point Times New Roman. Maybe 13 if they're cheating on a paper. But typography is fascinating—and this app's great for pros and novices.

Typography Insight, developed by Parsons design student Dong Yoon Park, is sort of like an iPad typeface encyclopedia. Only encyclopedias are boring, and Typography Insight is beautiful and fun. With a wonderful and decently responsive interface, you can beef up on type terminology (do you know what an ascender is? A baseline?) compare fonts with a nifty overlay mode, or just get all up in their perfect formed faces to appreciate and learn nuances. Park says the type trove will be available in the App Store "soon,"—though no word on whether it'll be a freebie or not. Either way, the guy's got a gift for interfaces, and made this typography geek very happy. [Typography Insight]