This weekend, Princeton's class of 2006 celebrates its five-year reunion with a standard-issue bacchanal. This year's theme: "'06 Feet Under." Cute, right? Except when they announce the '06 reunion memorial service, which now looks like it is being introduced with a wacky pun.

From: Class of 2006
Date: Mon, May 23, 2011 at 12:14 PM
Subject: Memorial Service for Deceased Classmates: Friday
To: [redacted]


This Friday at 4:00pm we'll honor our deceased classmates with a short service of remembrance in the September 11th Memorial Garden next to Nassau Hall and the Chancellor Green Rotunda. The rain location is the West Room of Murray Dodge (Office of Religious Life building, next to Theater Intime). Fr. Tom Mullelly, Aquinas Institute chaplain, will preside.
The four classmates who have died are [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted].

Please join if you're in town. It would be great for as many friends and teammates as possible to come and share their memories.

All best,

Catie, Tim, & Duncan

Shortly thereafter, Duncan sent out a horrified apology:

From: Class of 2006
Date: Mon, May 23, 2011 at 3:02 PM
Subject: Memorial service follow-up
To: [redacted]


I am very sorry for the oversight of including our 5th Reunion logo in a message regarding Friday's memorial service. This was entirely accidental and I apologize to everyone, especially the close friends of the classmates we will honor on Friday.

See you at the end of the week,


Don't worry, by the time Princeton '06 inherits the White House, Supreme Court, Congress, and economic control of several dozen third world nations—as is their inalienable right as an Ivy Leaguers—they'll be much better at planning ahead.