Poor President George W. Bush! He was simply trying to enjoy his beloved Texas Rangers last night when a foul ball came screeching for his head. Bush was sitting there, gloveless, and catcher A.J. Pierzynski nearly took out the 43rd President in his failed attempt to make the catch. Everyone survived, barely.

Banter ensued:

The former president smiled while making a comment to Pierzynski, who lingered for a lighthearted exchange when he realized who was talking to him after the play.

"I told him just 'cause he was the president doesn't mean I wouldn't jump on top of him," Pierzynski said after the game. "He and his wife got a good chuckle out of it. It was a light moment in an otherwise quick game."

Ha, indeed. A.J. Pierzynski is now imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay.