The World Needs You to Bring Ulysses to Twitter

A mysterious man named "Stephen from Baltimore" has initiated a project called Ulysses Meets Twitter 2011, which is an attempt to translate James Joyce's famous experimental novel Ulysses into 140-character size chunks. Here's the kicker, he needs you, yes you to help!
This June 16, which is "Bloomsday" (after the main character Leopold Bloom) and the day on which the novel takes place, a legion of Tweeters will try to condense the novel into short dispatches on the "micro-blogging" platform as part of a "recasting or a reimagining" of the book. Isn't that like trying to paint the Mona Lisa on the head of a pin? All of the tweets will be written by volunteers and disseminated on the @11ysses Twitter account. If you'd like to be one of Stephen's "volunteer tweaders," you can apply on the blog that's dedicated to the project. If they like your application, hopefully, like Molly Bloom, they'll say, "Yes."
Still this seems like way too much work. If you need me on June 16, I'll be playing the Great Gatsby video game.
[Image of a Joyce scholar holding a first edition copy via AP]