Mitt Romney Shares Leftover Pizza Scraps With Obama Campaign

Willard "Mittens" Romney is nothing if not America's most generous and dedicated philanthropist, always searching for the newest health research institutes, arts centers, and presidential campaigns for himself to dump all of his old Pratt-Romney family fortune into. Actually, we have no idea if he's a philanthropist. But he did send some leftover pizza to the Obama Campaign yesterday, so that's something, right?
The nameless ghost who writes Twitter's "Mitt Romney" account notified the American public of this extraordinary display of charity yesterday afternoon, tweeting, "Great deep dish at @ginoseast. Sending the extra slices to @barackobama and his Chicago HQ team." Heh indeed, another classic idea from Camp Mitt. But the campaign really did deliver its leftover pizza to Barack Obama's campaign headquarters.
We've known for a while that the Romney clan can pull off some hilarious pranks, if they ever want to. But this little "have our leftovers, young man" episode was in no way a "prank," a Romney campaign spokesperson explains: "No prank - just a nice gesture since we were just a few blocks away from their HQ yesterday and had extra pizza."
There may still be 17 months left, but the 2012 presidential election cycle has already had its defining moment.
[Image via AP]