The sidewalk at Mulberry and Grand Streets near Little Italy was closed down for several hours today so that beekeepers could remove a swarm of bees that descended on a mailbox on the corner. Apparently this is a natural phenomenon that happens this time of year when hives get overcrowded. Well, just because it's natural doesn't mean it isn't creepy.

[Image via INF]

There's still no explanation why the swarm chose this particular mailbox, but it does mean that there is a hive within several blocks of the location. It's probably some hippie's artisinal honey farm on his roof that he left unattended for too long. Can't we keep this "trend" to the outer boroughs?

[Image via INF]

Somewhere within this swarm there is a queen and both an NYPD beekeeper (your tax dollars at work) and a rep for the New York City Beekeepers Association tried to find it so they could move the swarm to a safe location, hopefully somewhere without sidewalks.

[Image via INF]

Yes, even a swarm of bees inspires a million cell phone photographs.

[Image via INF]