
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Disturbing New Details

J.K. Trotter · 11/25/14 05:25PM

On Friday, Gawker reported that Vogue’s brand-new offices at 1 World Trade Center had a predicament as old as New York City itself: a rat infestation. It’s already gotten so bad that editor-in-chief Anna Wintour is wary of entering her personal office. Over the next three days, two other outlets reported even grosser details. You might want to sit down.

Here Are the 'Hairy Crazy Ants' Invading the South

Max Read · 10/01/11 03:27PM

As Americans slowly masturbate their pudgy, formless bodies into oblivion, it has become increasingly clear that soon a new species will arise to fill the void once occupied by the only race to have set foot on the moon. And, lo, here is that species: The "Hairy Crazy Ant."

Behold the Horror of Snake House

Richard Lawson · 06/16/11 04:12PM

In 2009 Rexburg, Idaho couple Ben and Amber Sessions purchased a house in the country thinking it would be the perfect spot to raise a family. That is until they noticed the snakes. The hundreds and hundreds of garter snakes that lived under the house.

This Manhattan Mailbox Has Been Completely Taken Over by Bees

Brian Moylan · 05/31/11 03:54PM

The sidewalk at Mulberry and Grand Streets near Little Italy was closed down for several hours today so that beekeepers could remove a swarm of bees that descended on a mailbox on the corner. Apparently this is a natural phenomenon that happens this time of year when hives get overcrowded. Well, just because it's natural doesn't mean it isn't creepy.

Conquering Bedbugs Now Destroying New York Tourism

Richard Lawson · 10/25/10 10:23AM

First it was our beds. Then our offices. Now, our wallets. Yes, the New York bedbug menace has begun to affect the city's tourism industry, with fearful, parasite-phobic travelers canceling trips. No, tourists, don't! That means the bedbugs have won!

'Tarantula Invasion' Has Northern Britain On Edge

Jeff Neumann · 07/28/10 04:35AM

A pair of Chilean Rose tarantulas were found separately in backyards in northern Britain recently, and people are getting nervous. So what's the big deal about a couple of furry spiders? They spit hairs into people's eyes and blind them.

Bedbugs Are Going to Destroy Us All

Richard Lawson · 07/22/10 11:18AM

We will not be copacetic! The bedbug menace grows and grows every day, infesting various halls of industry and power. Their latest assault is on the written word. Yes, bed bugs have invaded publishing.

Bedbugs Close Sexy Hollister Store in Soho

Richard Lawson · 07/01/10 09:17AM

If you've ever walked down Broadway just south of Houston Street, you know the Hollister. There are always shirtless lifeguard-type boys outside, urging you in? It's quite effective! Not so effective? Bedbugs, which are what the store is currently battling.

Mice At The Met

Ryan Tate · 05/29/08 07:56AM

"During an April 9 restaurant inspection at the Met, the department found 'evidence of mice or live mice present in facility's food and/or nonfood areas,' according to reports on the department's Web site." [AP, Related]

Which Fox News Employee Has Bedbugs?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/08 10:16AM

How is Fox News supposed to bring the REAL news to the American mainstream when they are busy fighting off a bug infestation of the newsroom? If only we were making a metaphorical joke about the network's tendency to employ cockroaches. We're not! A liberal media outlet, the New York Times, reports that Fox News discovered an infestation of the dreaded, disgusting BEDBUGS a few weeks ago "when an employee 'caught a bug and showed it to us.'" YUCK. But Fox News employees get even nastier than that: One of them brought the bugs in!