Join the Party: Help Gawker Media Raise Money for Same-Sex Marriage

We crack wise about a lot of things here at Gawker, and generally avoid getting all serious and earnest about the political issues of the day. But this month, in honor of Pride Month, we've decided to, earnestly and seriously, throw our support behind something we're truly passionate about: marriage equality. So we're hosting a big fundraiser to support the cause, and we need your help.
Legalized same-sex marriage in New York is closer to becoming a reality than ever before. A bill to pass the legislation only lost by eight votes last year, and it's back on the New York State Assembly's agenda this month. The measure has the full support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and seems to stand a much better chance of passing this time around. We can finally win this fight, but it's going to take a little work.
Or a little partying! As making noise and acting up is what we here at Gawker do best, we're putting both of those skills to use to host a big fundraising bash, all benefiting the tireless and invaluable Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation. On Wednesday, June 22, right here on the roof at Gawker HQ, hosts Nick Denton (our fearless leader) and MSNBC dreamboat Thomas Roberts will welcome the city's movers, shakers, celebrities, and media personalities, ply them with booze, and shake them down for cash. Hopefully they'll be lured in by the food, drinks, and entertainment—"entertainment" meaning Richard Lawson and I performing "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better" in drag.
How can you be involved? Well, for those with access to their company's purse strings, there are a number of corporate sponsorships available. The nitty-gritty: A donation of $3,000 buys five tickets to the event and will insure your company's logo appears on the invitation. For $5,000, you'll get five tickets to the event, your logo on the invite, and your company's logo on the signage as well. Feeling especially generous? For $10,000, you'll get ten tickets to the event, your logo on the invite and event signage, and we'll stamp "Presented by [Your Generous Company Name Here]" at the top. If your company is interested, or you know a company that might be, please email for more information.
Everyone else can help, too! We've set up a page for individual donations so you can join us in funding the fight for marriage equality. Let's show New York that blog readers can do more than argue with each other in the comments, that we can band together to raise a ton of money and make a difference in the lives of all the gay people in the state. Who knows, if we raise $100,000, I might be so inspired that I'll "accidentally" Tweet naked pictures of myself.
As mentioned above, June is Gay Pride month, which honors the gay men, lesbians, and drag queens who stood up to the police at the Stonewall Inn in 1969 and battled for their civil rights. While that was over 40 years ago, we're still not done fighting. So instead of throwing stones and bottles, let's throw our weight and money into passing same-sex marriage legislation in New York—and then having a little rooftop cocktail to celebrate.