All of Twitter Is Celebrating Something Called "Marriage Equaility"
Ashley Feinberg · 06/26/15 12:18PMPresident Obama: "This Ruling Is a Victory for America"
Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/26/15 10:18AMNOM's Anti-Gay March for Marriage Was Pathetic
Rich Juzwiak · 06/19/14 03:10PMToday, a handful of people favoring the preservation of an abstract institution over the quality of actual human lives took to the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol for the March for Marriage, which was organized by the hate group the National Organization for Marriage. Usual suspects like Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee showed up to spout the usual rhetoric: ensuring that gay people can't get married is about love not hate, kids need a mother and a father, people need the religious freedom to discriminate against whomever they arbitrarily choose, and gay people are bullies for fighting back at the o.g. bullies who go out of their way to interfere with and cast judgement on their lives. There was also the repeated claim that gay marriage has never been enacted by popular vote, which is just bullshit. Shocking that the "traditional marriage" crowd would resort to lies to keep people persuaded.
Adam Weinstein · 05/20/14 01:59PM
This Is How Gay Marriage Affects Straight Men
Rich Juzwiak · 04/07/14 08:32AMGabrielle Bluestone · 03/18/14 06:14PM
New "Bipartisan" Anti-Gay Bill in Congress Is Shockingly Very Partisan
Adam Weinstein · 01/13/14 11:26AMJoe Rogan Defends Gay Marriage In the Bro-est Way Possible
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/21/13 01:40AMMaster Bedroom, Extra Closet: The Truth About Gay Marriage
Steven W. Thrasher · 06/19/13 02:24PM
Any day now, possibly as soon as tomorrow, the Supreme Court of the United States will rule on whether or not access to civil marriage is the law of the land for any adult couple, gay or straight. If they do rule in favor of marriage equality, they can hardly be charged with being "activist judges," out of step with the average Joe. Instead, they'll be hurrying to catch up with a change in American perceptions on same-sex marriage that has been staggering.
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski Endorses Marriage Equality
Maggie Lange · 06/19/13 09:55AM
Just before the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski made a clear endorsement of marriage equality. Murkowski, a Senator since 2002, joins two other Republicans in the Senate (Rob Portman of Ohio and Mark Kirk of Illinois), in supporting the rights of gay and lesbian couples to marry.
Prince Won't Discuss Marriage Equality, Lied About His Band
Rich Juzwiak · 05/15/13 03:44PMCaity Weaver · 05/13/13 04:41PM
This Incredible Marriage Equality Speech by a New Zealand Member of Parliament Is a Must-Watch
Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/17/13 11:08AMNew Zealand Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage; 13th Country to Do So
Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/17/13 07:56AMWashington Florist Who Denied Service to Gay Couple Over Her 'Relationship with Jesus' Sued by the State
Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/10/13 04:06PMCardinal Dolan: Gays Are 'Entitled to Friendship'
Rich Juzwiak · 04/01/13 10:25AMSupporting an institution (such as marriage) over actual human lives isn't a very Christian thing to do, but it is a very Catholic thing to do, and so Cardinal Timothy Michael Dolan upheld the Church's interest in protecting marriage from homosexual demons in an interview with George Stephanopoulos that aired Sunday on This Week. This is what a losing battle with a twist of internal conflict sounds like: