The 2011 Gawker Media Census Results Are In

Over 5,800 of you filled out the 2011 Gawker Media Census, and for that we raise a box of Ramona Singer Pinot Grigio in your honor. Said Census revealed that 41% of you would prefer to watch a group of unmitigated boozehounds that we invented called Real Housewives of Richard Lawson's Mind to any other unmitigated boozehounds on the planet.
Curiously, 48% of the same readers who had such a strong opinion regarding the above matter claim that they peruse Gawker strictly in search of political scandals. Maybe the two can come together by letting Lawson loose in DC? Sadly, the world will never know, since the Census is now closed—at least until next year.
Thanks once again for participating, and congratulations to reader/commenter extraordinaire Marquette Madness for winning a new iPad 2 on the Gawker dime. Two Ramona crazy-eyes to you, sir!