Give Us Your Summer Job Horror Stories

Yes, it's that time of year when high school and college kids partake in the great ritual of finding a summer job. Seasonal employment sucks and usually entails meager pay, physical labor, embarrassing costumes, or putting up with swarms of pesky kids. But now your torture could win you a prize.
In the comments section below, tell us about your worst summer job. Did you work at a collection agency harassing people to pay their medical bills (like I did)? Did you fish insects out of pools every day for three months straight? Or just have one of those crummy internships where you worked for a bunch of jerks, spent your days fetching soy lattes, and learned absolutely nothing? Share with everyone the worst moments of your worst job.
Here are the rules:
- Remember that brevity is the soul of wit. While points will be awarded for good writing, you must be concise. That means keep it short or I won't read it.
- All stories must be left in the comments section of this post. As much as we love to hear from you all, do not email them.
- Use capital letters and proper punctuation. This is a rule for all comments, but it's especially important here.
- If you're not currently a Gawker commenter, find out how to become one here.
- Standard contest rules apply.
Whatever your situation was—camp counselor, roller coaster operator, caddy—let us know about the one moment that sent you over the edge. The person with the best story about the shittiest job will win a $50 Visa gift card so you can buy yourself something nice. Now get to reminiscing and let us share in your misery.