World's Most Publicity-Hungry Hackers Tease Impending Sony Leak

The hacking group Lulz Security had a hit with their Tupac-themed hacking of PBS last weekend. Now they claim to have hacked Sony. And they want everyone to know!
A "large cache of compromised internal Sony Data" will be leaked in a few hours, according to LulzSec's official Twitter account. For the past few days, Lulz Security has been boasting on Twitter that they have compromised Sony's servers, again. (Lulz busted into a Sony Music Japan database a while ago, one of a seemingly-endless stream of Sony breaches.) On May 31st, they tweeted to Sony: "you know we're making off with a bunch of your internal stuff right now and you haven't even noticed?"
More than the hack itself, the way Lulzsec has been promoting their work is notable. (After all, every hacker in both hemispheres has taken a crack at Sony by now—what's left to leak?) In addition to the many cheeky tweets about the impending "sownage," Lulzsec just launched a website, complete with "Love Boat" soundtrack, to showcase previous hacks. Their hack of PBS included a splashy picture of the meme-of-the-moment, Nyan Cat, which they were then elated to see on the cover of the Wall Street Journal. "How much ink do you think this cost," they tweeted.
With every hack, Lulzsec's Twitter follower count grows in proportion to their notoriety: When I started following them just before their first hack of in the beginning of May, they had a couple hundred. Just a few weeks later it's more than 8,500. And like any good celebrities, Lulzsec has started offering merchandise: When Lulzsec hacked PBS the offered vanity URLs for a couple bitcoins. Won't be long until Lulzsec opens a bitcoin-powered t-shirt shop.